Saturday, February 13, 2010

Poem 3rd Birthday Party Invitation Wording For A 3rd Birthday Party Invitation?

Wording for a 3rd birthday party invitation? - poem 3rd birthday party invitation

Look for a piece or a poem for the invitations of the third anniversary of my daughter. We are with the party at a local park. My plan is to decorate the children small clay pots, then add the soil and flower seeds. The muffins are like mud with crushed chocolate cookies in the glaze and into the sticky. Any ideas would be very grateful!


Anonymous said...

You could write:

Come join me ..... I turned around, because 3!
There will be food and fun for everyone!


Anonymous said...

"_____ Flowers! "Or" is growing like a weed! Add a picture of his daughter in a flower.

Enjoy the game. :)

Anonymous said...

Topic Cute!
I like the suggestion 1 poster. ''_______ Germinate!''
You could write a poem ....

At the end of the garden
With butterflies and bees,
Our fairy princess
becomes number 3
So come join the party
One of the pots,
and girls singing (name) Happy Birthday
I love it a lot.

You can do things much more fun. Good luck. I hope that helped.

Anonymous said...

The name of our cupcake (child) is now 3 Please visit us in celebrating this day, date, time, location, etc.

Hope this helps.

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